How Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Makes CoinWallet Safer for Institutions

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How Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Makes CoinWallet Safer for Institutions

Home>Product Tips>How Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Makes CoinWallet Safer for Institutions

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape of digital assets, the importance of security cannot be overstated. As businesses deal with an ever-growing volume of digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, the need for robust, impenetrable security mechanisms is more critical than ever. It is in this high-stakes context that Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is gaining prominence, marking a revolutionary leap in how we think about and implement digital wallet security.

MPC is far from being a mere industry buzzword or a fleeting trend; it serves as an integral, foundational technology for new-age digital wallets like CoinWallet. But what sets MPC apart in an ecosystem replete with myriad security technologies?

Stay tuned as we unpack the revolutionary capabilities of MPC and explore their benefits for digital wallets.

What is Multi-Party Computation (MPC)?

Multi-Party Computation is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping these inputs private.

Imagine a system where each transaction is like a multi-layered puzzle. MPC ensures that even if one piece of the puzzle is visible, the whole picture remains concealed. It breaks down sensitive operations into multiple steps that are distributed among various servers or nodes. These nodes then work collectively to execute the operation, but none of them has enough information to compromise the transaction.

CoinWallet’s Take on MPC

CoinWallet is a decentralized wallet powered by MPC - it first divides the private key into multiple key shards in Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) before storing them on different devices. This makes it almost impossible for hackers to steal the complete private key information.

For further security, CoinWallet also enables users to deploy their own custom TEE environment on AWS when sharding their private key. Besides the added flexibility and control over their digital assets, the removal of CoinsDo from this step of the process reduces another point of failure, which further enhances private key security.

How MPC Benefits CoinWallet

Enhanced Security

By breaking down the transaction process among multiple nodes, MPC significantly reduces the risk of a single point of failure. This fragmentation of the process ensures that an attacker cannot gain full control over a transaction or compromise the system easily.

Robust Privacy

One of the standout features of MPC is its ability to uphold user privacy. During transactions, personal and financial data are cryptographically segmented across multiple nodes. This ensures that no single entity can access complete information, reinforcing privacy without sacrificing functionality.

Improved Flexibility

MPC also empowers CoinWallet with wider cross-platform compatibility. By leveraging MPC technology, CoinWallet is able to work seamlessly across various devices, operating systems, and platforms. This compatibility allows users to manage their digital assets securely and consistently, regardless of the device or platform they are using.

CoinWallet for Institutions

MPC offers high security, high privacy, and flexibility for the cryptocurrency industry, which makes CoinWallet a good option for digital asset custodians or even centralized wallet companies.

Suppose you are a digital asset custodian partnering with CoinWallet. For convenience, your user could create a wallet with the private key split into three shards. With a 2/3 mechanism, only two key shards are required to sign each time to approve a transaction, greatly simplifying and securing the approval process.

By holding on to part of your customer’s key shards, you can easily co-sign transactions to facilitate better asset management without compromising on security.

You as the custodian wouldn’t be able to approve any rogue transactions on your own, while your users can have their intended transactions approved without waiting for the other key shard holder.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, MPC is a groundbreaking technology that provides a strong security framework for crypto wallets. It ensures that even if a single node is compromised, your digital assets remain secure, thus safeguarding your transactions and data in an increasingly digital world.

Make the smart choice today and download our MPC-powered CoinWallet here (iOS) or here (Android). Our state-of-the-art features ensure that the digital assets under your management remain in safe hands!

David Ho

The Author

David Ho

Writer / Blockchain Enthusiast